Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fruit Paradise's Nutty Caramel and Chocolate Strawberry

This time I had 2 desserts. Got them both from the Vivocity outlet. From the looks of it, they looked very delicious. So many slices of fruits and so visually striking! I picked these two as I like strawberry, chocolate, nuts and caramel(their individual names bears the things I like). Even the box looks nice.

Got them both and brought them home to share with my mum and younger sis. My aunt was also around when I got home so I let them tried out after I took photos of it. After looking at the photos, I think I should have just snapped them normally on some table with some light and not on the rear of a poster.

My mum's first response to both cakes were that they had too much cream. Same goes for my aunt. My sis liked them both. My thoughts were already influenced to my mum's response but I told myself that I had to give my own personal opinion.

I like the Nutty Caramel better as it had more ingredients as the nuts made it taste as it had more texture. The Chocolate Strawberry was good but the strawberry wasn't as sweet as I had expected(my mum bought strawberry a few days ago and it tasted sweet like sugar). I had to agree with my mum and aunt as there was too much cream on both cakes. The proportion of cake, cream and fruits for these 2 looked similar when you look at it.

My mum, my aunt and myself ate about half of each cake before we left the remainder of the cake for my sis to indulge. I was quite disappointed actually. It's not cheap too though. I'd rather have MaCafe's cheesecake over these two.

I take this experience in my project as a way learning new stuff. I've liked most of the desserts I've tried and it had been a wonderful journey. Fans of Fruit Paradise, it's just not plate of dessert. But it's the visually creatively and colorful desserts I've seen so far.

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