Thursday, March 8, 2012

Finish it off witha dessert

I ended my 30 days dessert project a few days ago. Why you would ask? I have no one answer to that question. Let me give you some answers to that question.

It's not cheap. Nothing is cheap in Singapore right? What I mean was that I was spending a lot more daily before I started this project. It was my mistake not to calculate how much I would spend in total. I did however sum up that at SGD$300 would suffice for the project. But I only had that answer on my 10th day dessert streak.

It's high in calories. I don't count calories but I know that too much in a day is not good for you. Imagine the amount in a month. I'm a lazy bum naturally so some times I don't exercise often(confession). That lack of exercise could potentially make me unfit or even worse, sick. Being unfit and sick feels horrible. Don't you think so?

No Time. This is the biggest obstacle for me. When I end work at 9.30pm at night, most shop closes. Other than that, I just want to go home as soon as possible and have a good night's rest and do other stuff. I'm also quite hungry at that hour. What if I end at 7.30pm? I still want to go home and have a good night's rest and do other stuff.

These are the 3 reasons why I want to stop the project. But I will do this project in the future when I have more time and more money.

What I got out of this project is priceless. I think I did not say how I started this idea. I just wanted to try something different. My life is quite monotonous really. I'm a phlegmatic person (go read the book Personality Plus) by nature so I'm a bum. I love to read and listen to music, in which both activities you can do while bumming right? I just acted on the idea without planning it that's all. Just do it. I was actually excited about it and told some of my friends about it. They then told me some places I should go and try their desserts and I did that.

The whole experience of going some place new is always exciting and fun! Went to places I've never been before and tasted some of the nicest desserts, so far for me. I'll take this as a lesson to try new stuff, let it be food or an activity. Try something new everyday or make someone's day better . Even better, do both.

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