Thursday, August 25, 2011

Her name was May

What I thought was nightmare turned into a dream. In that dream, I was being followed by a ghost that was going to kill me. It would stalk me everywhere I go but never killed me when it had the chance. However, it killed my friends one at a time. I don't remember who was killed but I was very sad when she kills them. She'd kill them like how a vampire would, suck their blood by the throat.

She looks like the witch from the game Left 4 Dead. Short frizzy hair, slightly pale skin, red eyes, skinny, about 1.6 in height,very long and sharp fingers that could pierce you body like satay sticks through satays and she wears a whitish grey dress that ends just above her knee.

In this dream, I was going to meet my friends over at a nearby field to play soccer. All my friends were there waiting for me at that point of time. As I was reaching the soccer field, I remembered that I forgot something but I don't remember what. When I was walking home, I realised that it was turning dark and I remembered about the ghost. She comes out when it's turning dark.

Knowing that, I ran home as fast as possible to get something which I forgot what it was. Then I remembered going down the stairs as fast as possible. I was staying on the fifth floor in the dream, same as in reality. As I got to the third floor, I can sense that she was somewhere at a higher floor watching me. Just as I reach the second floor she came down down landing on her feet effortlessly like how a ghost would, undefined by science. When I saw her, I double my speed but did not run. As I was walking away from the stairs on the ground floor, I suddenly stopped. I knew she was looking at me and she was at the ground level as well.

I turned around and asked her,"Why are you following me?!".

She just kept silent. I realized at that point she did not look like what I had described her to be. She had smooth black hair till her shoulders, her fingers and her eyes were normal like any human being although she still wears the same dress.

I walked up to her having a mixed emotion of anger and sadness when I realised that her looked different when I got nearer. Her skin tone looked like any human and she's looking down, like she was sad. Her eyes weren't glowing red but humanly.

I was then reminded that this "person" is going to kill me one way or another and this might be the time as she's probably going to do it by letting herself look pitiful and I will approach liked I care. Like stealing a candy from a kid.

Then I told myself that if I were to be killed by her someday, why not just now so it'll just end. She pierced me with her long and sharp fingers as I got closer. Her hair turned frizzy and her glowing red eyes came back and looked me right in the eyes! I was definitely going to die soon and it'll be all over.

Instead, nothing happened.

This happens before I woke up to sahur(to eat before the start of fast). I was walking with her and talking(This is when I realised that she was quite cute). She said she wanted a burger. I was thinking to myself why burgers and I asked her why since she sucked people's blood? She told me she suddenly got some cravings for it. We got the burger but I don't remember where it was from but I know it was a Ramly burger.

Then I woke up.

The dream was still in my head for the last few seconds and the last few thing I remember was that we a very nice conversation and had a good walk together. She told that she could kill me anytime but she didn't knew why she didn't. The last thing that happened was that she told me that her name was May.

Some people say that there's a story behind every dream. Like a message. What was the story behind my dream? I have a few thoughts but I think I'll keep it to myself for now :)

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