Monday, March 14, 2011

The Flash!

It's interesting to know that when people say that life flashes by in an instant right before you die is actually true. But Barney puts it more specific, things that are important to you will flash by and I agree to that. When I had my first major asthma attack back in 2004 or 05, alot of things were running in my head. I saw my family. There was so many things that I wanted to do. So many things I haven't accomplished. I was only 16.

Late Saturday, I sensed my asthma was coming back and thankfully this time I had my inhaler with me. It's too risky not to bring it around. I realised that after a few puffs from the inhaler, I wasn't really recovering. It had lessen the severity but it never gave out. On Saturday, I went to Alexander Hospital to get myself checked. I should have seen this coming. I was asked why I came and I told them I had asthma. A few minutes later, they brought me to the back and gave me some medication by a face mask and some oral medication. I hate it when I don't expect it. I think I was at the hospital for about an hour and a half. I think. At least I got 2 days MC which isn't so bad really. Got another inhaler and some medications.

Sure enough being sick sucks. A friend told me that she was sick of being sick so she just did stuff and ate like she was fine. I tried it out and true enough, it wasn't so bad really. I just have to watch out for my cough and phlegm. Monday was awesome! I'd love to add it but my eyes can't handle it now. Turning in now. Goodnight!

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