Thursday, January 27, 2011

People Are Awesome!

The book "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie is just awesome! It's probably one of the best books I've read and enjoyed alot. It's a book which I truly wish that all schools have and be taught to the students. The world would definitely be a better place if the techniques were followed.

When I first saw the title of this book, I was taken aback by the title but I've heard somewhere that this was a book that could change anyone's life for the better if you just follow the simple rules.

That person was right. I was never good with people or wasn't very sociable. I hated ice breakers. I had a very difficult time talking to people whom I just met and I can't seem to get any attention. I thought I was very shy. I could never be interesting. But when I started reading and applied what was written inside, my life started to change.

How did I change? In a lot of area. Most obvious to me would be how I interact with people. I felt like I could connect with people easier. I'm more confident but still shy. There's so many area in my life have improved after I read and reread the book. Like someone famous said, you'll always find something new when you reread a book. We're only receptive to what we are looking for.

I typed out this blog as I'm reading the book again. I won't be typing what's there in the book. It's content is just too much for me to type it out here but I can assure that it's worth to read if you're finding ways to improve your life and relationship with others.

Just some thoughts. Serious or not :)

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