Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I was informed that I had not been blogging since June. Well, I never bothered to continue actually. I thought it didn't matter.

So here I am on a Tuesday afternoon working on this entry. I'm on reservist now till 29th August for the Presidential Election. I only know who Tony Tan and that's all I know of him. Why am I home now? Let me break it down for you what's the program for my reservist for the next few days till I'm officially out of reservist.

24 Aug - Draw equipment
25 Aug - Briefing deployment
26 Aug - Off
27 Aug - Deployed for PE
28 Aug - Return equipment
29 Aug - Off
30 Aug - Hari Raya Aidilfitri

This reservist is really a break for me from work at Sentosa. A fresh air for me.

It's the 24th day of fasting today and next week is Hari Raya Aidilfitri. What I had gone through this fasting month is a totally new experience so far. Training for Open Water Lifesaving Competition on the past 2 Sunday mornings were probably the hardest days of this month's fasting. Doing endurance training without food and water at the end of training is no joke. You could taste how sweet the water when you're having your shower after training. I was fortunate to have both my Sunday's off when I attended the training or I would definitely suffer at work, compromising the safety of the guests and myself. I suppose I won't be going for training this coming Sunday :)

I went to the Geylang Ramadhan bazaar about a week back to see the place alone for the first time. Why alone? I've always been to the bazaar with my mum or my aunts and uncles past years as I didn't have any intention of going there myself yet. If I go with them, it's usually to buy clothing or kuehs for Hari Raya. This time, alone, was to see the whole bazaar at my own pace and to familiarize the place. But I went at the wrong timing, around 2pm. It was very hot and very humid and I was fasting. Passing by the stalls that was selling cold drinks like bandung, air kathira, sugar cane, blueberry and what have they did not help my fast. I was dehydrating quickly. I somehow manage to see most of the bazaar in about an hour. I survived an hour of hot and humidity! It was definitely a good experience for me. The lack of crowd was actually why I could see most of the bazaar at that short period of time. When night comes, I think I'll take almost 2 to 3 hours instead. The crowd at night is probably 3 to 4 times more people during the day! Both time of the day have their own life. For me, I'd still love the overcrowded night where I can consume delicious food and chilled beverages without temptations :D

I saw this on YouTube and I couldn't stop laughing! It's damn funny! The guy who did the voice over for this is just brilliant! His other videos are in Malay and it's hilarious as hell too! FYI : Dada = chest

Now let's talk about Sentosa. It's a great place to work without much doubt. A lot of greenery, beautiful views and great people. And when great people leave, work isn't so great anymore. All the beach retail girls I knew have all left. I guess it was something I didn't expect to happen but it did. But hey, at least I know that they've made my days working at Sentosa a more vibrant one while they were still around. That doesn't mean life at work has gone dull. It has actually given me the opportunity to spend more time with my colleagues, old and new! This is probably the best time to make more new friends again.

WICKED the musical will be in town! Awesome! I've been waiting for this since.. early this year? Why you'd ask? Well, I heard somewhere about the song "For Good" from the musical is a very meaningful song. Once I heard the song from YouTube, I was hooked! It is a very meaningful song indeed. I love this part of the song" Who can say if I have been changed for the better. Because I knew you, I have been changed for good." I know I have been changed for good thanks to some people and these are the people I really treasure the most.

Okay I have to stop now. I can't squeeze anything much out of my brain now and I have to buy new bulbs for the kitchen and toilet lights. Enjoy the 2 links that I've added! Ciao~!

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